In His Own Words

Neil Croll logo

Fathers and Sons

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Neil Croll logo
  • Title: Fathers and Sons
  • Author: Ivan Turgenev
  • Genre/Subject: Russian realism
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Number of pages:
  • Publication Date: 1862
  • Finish date: 1/31/2020


Bazarov the Nihilist.

Arkady the Starry-eyed Youth.

Women of the Aristocracy.

Men of the Aristocracy.

Add vodka.

Shake and pour into novel.

It really works out well in terms of readability, pace, characters. It just works.

Overall rating:

How I discovered or acquired this book: RNG4LRP

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Ratings (1-10, 10 being exceptional):

  • Quality of writing – 8
  • Pace – 8
  • Plot development – 8
  • Characters – 8
  • Enjoyability – 8
  • Insightfulness – 8
  • Ease of reading – 8
  • Photos/illustrations – n/a

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