In His Own Words

The Anarchy by William Dalrymple

The Anarchy

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  • Title: The Anarchy
  • Author: William Dalrymple
  • Genre/Subject: History
  • Publisher: Bloomsbury
  • Publication Date: 2019
  • Start date: 4/19/2023
  • Finish date: 4/26/2023


A vivid and richly detailed story of the birth, rise, and decline of the East India Company.

A fascinating “like you were there” history of one of the world’s first joint stock corporations and how it grew to control an empire bigger than any of its founders could have ever imagined.

The exploitation of the internecine strife that existed in 18th century India, combined with diplomacy, bribery and martial force to forge what would become the British Raj.

Filled with memorable characters: Shah Alam, Robert Clive, Warren Hastings and a host of others. Both heros and villains in equal measure.

This book made me want to: wear silk robes and eat parathas

Overall rating:



Other: Anglo-Indian wot-wot factor

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