In His Own Words

A Little History of Science by William Bynum

A Little History of Science

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  • Title: A Little History of Science
  • Author: William Bynum
  • Genre/Subject: Science History
  • Publisher: Yale
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Start date: 2/24/2023
  • Finish date: 3/5/2023


What a superb little book.

Science and its history explained in a clear and entertaining way. All the way from the Babylonian astronomers to the world wide web.

Not a book of trivia, this was a clear and concise journey through the trials, errors, leaps forward, and disastrous steps backward that have created the world we live in and enjoy today.

This book made me want to: look through a microscope

Overall rating:



Other: Intellectual awesomeness

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