In His Own Words

Cox's Navy: Salvaging the German High Seas Fleet at Scapa Flow 1924-1931 by Tony Booth

Cox’s Navy

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  • Title: Cox’s Navy
  • Author: Tony Booth
  • Genre/Subject: History
  • Publisher: Pen & Sword
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Start date: 1/6/2023
  • Finish date: 1/10/2023


This book was sent to me from my old mate that lives on the Orkney Islands, where all the action takes place. It’s interesting to read about places that you are already familiar with: Stromness, Kirkwall, Lyness and so on.

In 1919 the German imperial fleet was interned at Scapa Flow in Scotland as a term of the armistice. In a daring act the crews intentionally sank all their own ships.

This book tells the remarkable story of one man, Mr. Earnest Cox, who determined to raise and salvage all the sunken vessels. And he did just that from 1924-1931 including the 28,000 ton battleship Hindenburg, one of the largest ships ever salvaged.

Other than being a bit on the lengthy side this was an excellent book.

This book made me want to: own a chunk of steel from these ships

Overall rating:



Other: Grim determination

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