In His Own Words

O Pioneers by Willa Cather

O Pioneers!

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  • Title: O Pioneers!
  • Author: Willa Cather
  • Genre/Subject: American literature
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 1913
  • Start date: 7/24/2022
  • Finish date: 7/29/2022


Absolutely magnificent.

The more of Willa Cather I read, the more she speaks to me. And not just speaking like to someone waiting for the bus, but speaking at a primal emotional level. Like the rich prairie soil she so beautifully describes.

“The gold flecks in her irises were like the color of sunflower honey, or old amber.” That one is going to stay with me.

Coincidentally at the time I read this I was busily occupied building my bee meadow, taking the grass off and returning the prairie to its home.

If I give this book less than the coveted Neilosian cinq étoiles I should hang up my pen.

This book made me want to: read more, make more prairie, live in the sunshine

Overall rating:



Other: Best use of an exclamation point ever

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