In His Own Words

Greek Tragedies Volume 3

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  • Title: Greek Tragedies Volume 3
  • Author: Various old Greek dudes
  • Genre/Subject: Greek drama
  • Publisher: U of Chicago Press
  • Publication Date: 1992
  • Start date: 6/26/2022
  • Finish date: 7/3/2022


Very good. Very, very good.

5 plays that are by the famous playwrights but are not the most popular and well known ones.

Aeschylus – The Eumenides: Orestes on trial for matricide, 12 jurors of citizens, Athena as judge, Apollo for the defense.

Sophocles – Philoctetes: Odysseus being a smartypants asshole like he was in The Illiad, The Odyssey, and Hot Moms Vol 3.

Sophocles – Oedipus at Colonus: a tale of redemption for the wandering Oedipus at the end of his life. A lot has changed and he has grown old and wise.

Euripedes – The Bacchae: Pentheus denies the divinity of Dionysus, gets dressed in drag to spy on the women’s secret ceremony and ends up being torn limb from limb by his mom (star of Hot Moms Vol 2).

Eurpides – Alcestis: this had it all – heroic sacrifice, guilt and atonement, even Heracles drops by to get drunk and save everyone.

This book made me want to: write shorter reviews

Overall rating:



Other: Best supporting dismembering actress: Agave

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