In His Own Words

Alexander's Bridge by Willa Cather

Alexander’s Bridge

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  • Title: Alexander’s Bridge
  • Author: Willa Cather
  • Genre/Subject: American literature
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 1912
  • Start date: 6/1/2022
  • Finish date: 6/4/2022


A five star performance again from Cather.

Reminded me a lot of Henry James in The Ambassadors or the The Bostonians, men and women trying to be men and women but hidebound by manners and etiquette.

This is the difference between good writing and great writing.

The only criticism I would make is that there is a discreet wall around the characters. You never get close to them, not really.

This book made me want to: travel abroad on an ocean liner

Overall rating:



Other: Excellent manners factor

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