In His Own Words

Anthem by Ayn Rand


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  • Title: Anthem
  • Author: Ayn Rand
  • Genre/Subject: Philosophic fiction
  • Publisher: Signet
  • Publication Date: 1937
  • Start date: 2/20/2022
  • Finish date: 2/20/2022



A beautifully crafted dark vision of a dark future.

I feel no need to write a manifesto or donate portion of my comic book sales to the Ayn Rand Foundation (true story, there is a dude on eBay that does that. Makes a point of telling you in the item description. I bought Fantastic Four #30 off him and he was profuse in thanking me for contributing to a better world. I really just needed the issue between #29 and #31, but I really am a hell of a guy).

I take it that George Orwell and Ayn Rand did not get along. Go figure.

“I guard my treasures: my thoughts, my will, my freedom. And the greatest of these is freedom.” (Nice takeoff on Corinthians 13:13).

This book made me want to: eat a Reese’s peanut butter cup

Overall rating:



Other: Dark spookiness

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