In His Own Words

Into Africa by Martin Dugard

Into Africa

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  • Title: Into Africa
  • Author: Martin Dugard
  • Genre/Subject: White Dudes in Darkest Africa History
  • Publisher: Broadway Books
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • Start date: 1/31/2022
  • Finish date: 2/4/2022


Couldn’t put this down.

Superb history, well researched and backed by primary sources, yet reads like a novel.

An impossibly difficult journey, for a grail quest.

Reminded me a lot of the Franklin fiasco and the tremendous waste of lives and resources spent to recover one foolish old adventurer.

Learned a lot about 19th century Africa, and that a lot has not changed.

This book made me want to: never set foot in Africa

Overall rating:



Other: Malarial avoidance

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