In His Own Words

A History of France by John Julius Norwich

A History of France

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  • Title: A History of France
  • Author: John Julius Norwich
  • Genre/Subject: History
  • Publisher: Kindle/Atlantic
  • Publication Date: 2018
  • Start date: 1/22/2022
  • Finish date: 1/29/2022


An excellent short history of France and the French people.

From Vercingetorix to De Gaulle, this is the book that covers it all.

Not an exhausting or comprehensive history, there are other books for that. This is a brief and concise, often humorous and always entertaining trip through 2000 years of kings and communes, queens and poets, peasants and generals.

Napoleon, Robespierre, Louis Quatorze, now they are more than just names vaguely familiar from some high school textbook.

This book made me want to: fart in your general direction

Overall rating:



Other: Aristocratic cleavage

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