In His Own Words


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  • Title: Aku-Aku
  • Author: Thor Heyerdahl
  • Genre/Subject: Science/Exploration
  • Publisher: Penguin
  • Publication Date: 1958
  • Start date: 6/15/2022
  • Finish date: 6/20/2022


Easter Island! So remote and mysterious. So many questions, so much to learn.

Thor Heyerdahl of Kon-Tiki raft fame in the 1950s led a scientific expedition to explore and dig on Easter Island and he found answers to many questions. Not all, but more importantly, he found adventure.

Since this was written in 1957 it contains some very patriarchal language. The natives “like children,” bringing science to the primitives, a heathen ceremony, things like that. A product of its time, interesting to see how much things and attitudes have changed.

Like many long books, this one needed an editor. I really like to read that you had smorgasbord, but I don’t need to you list all the individual dishes.

This book made me want to: eat smorgasbord, but not on a ship in high seas

Overall rating:



Other: Smorgasfactor

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