In His Own Words

An Alien Heat by Michael Moorcock

An Alien Heat

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  • Title: An Alien Heat
  • Author: Michael Moorcock
  • Genre/Subject: SF
  • Publisher: Mayflower
  • Publication Date: 1972
  • Start date: 1/3/2023
  • Finish date: 1/6/2023


If they are brief, I usually read the acknowledgements at the front of a book. This one was to some dudes, and the members of Hawkwind, and a chap named Lemmy.




Turns out before forming Motörhead Lemmy was in a psychedelic band called Hawkwind. With Michael Moorcock! He was a musician as well as an author. Who knew??

The book itself was visionary, very unique but really a bit of a slot. About 2/3 of the way through something started to happen. And it was hackneyed at that. But I persevered and got through it.

This book made me want to: Read Lemmy’s biography. Yes it exists and it’s called “White Line Fever.”

Overall rating:



Other: Lemmy

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