In His Own Words

Around the World in a Hundred Years: From Henry the Navigator to Magellan by Jean Fritz

Around the World in a Hundred Years

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  • Title: Around the World in a Hundred Years
  • Author: Jean Fritz
  • Genre/Subject: History
  • Publisher: Paperstar
  • Publication Date: 1994
  • Start date: 8/11/2023
  • Finish date: 8/13/2023


I get more solid information our of young readers books than I can from a stack of textbooks. They’re uncluttered and in plain language.

1421 to 1521, from Henry the Navigator through to Magellan. Just 100 years from sailing within sight of shore to a complete circumnavigation of the globe. Nothing short of incredible.

Illustrations were great.

This book made me want to: Stay off of wooden ships on risky voyages

Overall rating:



Other: Tales of adventure

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