In His Own Words

Autobiography of William Butler Yeats by W.B. Yeats

Autobiography of William Butler Yeats

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Autobiography of William Butler Yeats by W.B. Yeats
  • Title: Autobiography of William Butler Yeats
  • Author: W.B. Yeats
  • Genre/Subject: Irish drama, Politics, Autobiography
  • Publisher: Macmillan Yeats
  • Number of pages: 572
  • Publication Date: 1938
  • Finish date: 7/29/2020


A fascinating glimpse into Victorian literary life. Dinner with Oscar Wilde. Wow. Lots of Irish politics which are still contemporary. Lots of mystical and magical commentary which was and is fascinating.

Yeats was a fascinating individual, and this was a great way to get to know the man behind the poems and plays.

Overall rating:

How I discovered or acquired this book:

Noteworthy experiences while reading this book: Hockey returns to the radio

Check out author’s other books? Y

Recommend this book? To whom?

Ratings (1-10, 10 being exceptional):

  • Quality of writing – 8
  • Pace – 8
  • Plot development – n/a
  • Characters – 8
  • Enjoyability – 8
  • Insightfulness – 8
  • Ease of reading – 8
  • Photos/illustrations – n/a

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