In His Own Words

In his own words

  • O Pioneers by Willa Cather

    O Pioneers!

    Review: Absolutely magnificent. The more of Willa Cather I read, the more she speaks to me. And not just speaking like to someone waiting for the bus, but speaking at a primal emotional level. Like the rich prairie soil she so beautifully describes. “The gold flecks in her irises were like the color of sunflower…


  • Indiana Jones and the Army of the Dead

    Review: A ripping yarn! What a great book. Nothing too cerebral, but nothing too puerile, either. The author, Steve Perry, is a NYT bestselling one and it shows by his writing that he is no dummy. He, like many of us, grew up with the Indiana Jones franchise and came to love it. And (likely…


  • Germinal

    Review: 5 stars. Let’s get that out of the way. 5 stars. Needed to be said again. J.K. Huysmans described Germinal as ‘a lament rising from the darkness of hell.’ And he described it perfectly. This is my first Zola experience, and it will be my last, a masterpiece beyond any doubt but so depressing…


  • The Flight of the Horse

    Review: A collection of time travel themed short stories. I don’t really dig time travel stories and yet… these were no exception. It’s all been done, the paradoxes explored and presented in more ways than an obi clue in a crossword. But. The last two novellas were not time travel and were excellent. “Flash Crowd”…


  • The Key to Rebecca

    Review: A thrilling thriller! A lusty romp through 1942 Cairo, fez wearing baddies chasing or being chased by sturdy British soldiers and all either spies or being spied upon. A page turner for sure, some of it far-fetched, some of it fairly accurate, tales of high adventure tend to be that way. A good author,…


  • Greek Tragedies Volume 3

    Review: Very good. Very, very good. 5 plays that are by the famous playwrights but are not the most popular and well known ones. Aeschylus – The Eumenides: Orestes on trial for matricide, 12 jurors of citizens, Athena as judge, Apollo for the defense. Sophocles – Philoctetes: Odysseus being a smartypants asshole like he was…


  • The Dead Zone

    Review: Well that was the first Stephen King book I have read. Not that I was avoiding it, but when you read as much as I do, coupled with a 25 year beer break, some books and authors get missed. This was brilliant, amazing, beautifully crafted. Scary, sure. But more importantly it makes you feel…


  • Aku-Aku

    Review: Easter Island! So remote and mysterious. So many questions, so much to learn. Thor Heyerdahl of Kon-Tiki raft fame in the 1950s led a scientific expedition to explore and dig on Easter Island and he found answers to many questions. Not all, but more importantly, he found adventure. Since this was written in 1957…


  • The Ramayana of Valmiki by C. Rajagopalachari

    The Ramayana

    Review: A long read, I started in March and read a short chapter a day, just like daily Bible readings. This is one of the ancient texts along with the likes of the Mahabarata and the Bhagavad Gita that brown people use to delude themselves into believing in nonsense. Like what white people do with…


  • The Enormous Room

    Review: Powerful and deeply personal narrative of the author’s experience in a prison in France during the Great War. So many of the things, feelings and experiences I know intimately from my own jailhouse experience. The prose was so exquisite in places that I grabbed my highlighter to preserve them. Really great reading, I’m sad…