In His Own Words

In his own words

  • Watership Down by Richard Adams

    Watership Down

    Review: A wonderful adventure tale. Could not put it down at times. Long, but not needlessly so. A lot of good sensible material mixed in with the adventure yarn. Charming, with glorious descriptions of the English countryside. 5 stars and earned every one of them. This book made me want to: eat rabbit Overall rating:…


  • Carl Barks' Library Set I Vol III

    Carl Barks’ Library Set I Vol I

    Review: Finally getting around to reading the complete set. Exhaustive research into every facet of the artist’s life and work. Which can be exhausting. If panel 2 on page 12 of four color 29 was based on plate II from National Geographic in 1940, that’s great. But I don’t really care. Still, I learned a…


  • The Rivals by Richard Brinsley Sheridan

    The Rivals

    Review: An excellent light-hearted comedy, I can see why Dr. Johnson liked it. Mrs. Malaprop is hilarious. The characters all work well together to bring off a solid comedy. The writing itself is excellent, Mr. R.B. Sheridan was a member of Johnson’s literary club, and you had to be good just to get nominated for…


  • The Heart of Midlothian by Walter Scott

    The Heart of Midlothian

    Review: A good adventure yarn, lots of daring escapes in the moonlight. Way too long. Waaaaaaay too long. Needed an editor. A good exposition of the Scottish religious fanaticism, the Covenanters, the Cameronians. A terrible waste of lives. Hard going with reading all the dialogues in Scots dialect. A classic, perhaps with flaws, but deservedly…


  • Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

    Great Expectations

    Review: The life and adventures of Pip the Orphan. It made me feel like it was always raining. Always grey, and dismal as can be imagined. Magwitch, Miss Havisham, Mr. Jaggers, Wemmick the Clerk, Pumplechook, the characters are so engaging, all slightly tragic and flawed. Loved this book. Would never read it in the summertime.…


  • Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce

    Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

    Review: Brilliant in every sense. This book sparkled from cover to cover. If I had read this first I would have been a little less confused when reading Ulysses. Which I will read again at some point. Ireland, politics, religion, alcohol, and the glorious countryside. Youth, education, and the ways of young men. A boy…


  • The Adventures of Roderick Random by Tobias Smollett

    The Adventures of Roderick Random

    Review: A merry romp through 18th century England, France, South America, and the high seas. Good read, well written, solid prose. Needed an editor, but the novel was a new art from and readers craved this kind of long-winded adventure yarn. Like Tom Jones, but with more sailing and battles. This book made me want…


  • The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio

    The Decameron

    Review: Called a masterpiece, and deservedly so. 10 young people, 7 women and 3 men, set out for their country villas to escape the plague in Florence. They elect one of their number as King for the day and he or she sets the rules of the day and the subject of the tales they…


  • The Essays of Francis Bacon by Francis Bacon

    The Essays of Francis Bacon

    Review: An enlightening book for the 21st century. The more things change, the more they remain the same. A collection of little short essays about how people think and operate. A hard read due to the archaic language, like Shakespeare without the rhyme and meter. On kings, on love, on rumors, on youth, on old…


  • The Giver by Lois Lowry

    The Giver

    Review: A Newberry Prize winner and for good reason. Heartbreaking, heartwarming, dystopian, utopian. A book written for children that will challenge every adult that reads it. I won’t even summarize it here (sorry Brant 🙂 ), it just needs to be experienced. Will definitely check out the author’s other books. I award it the rare…