In His Own Words

Burning Marguerite by Elizabeth Innes-Brown

Burning Marguerite

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  • Title: Burning Marguerite
  • Author: Elizabeth Inness-Brown
  • Genre/Subject: Fiction
  • Publisher: Vintage
  • Publication Date: 2022
  • Start date: 10/16/2022
  • Finish date: 10/20/2022


Powerful and intensely moving. If that sounds like every book jacket review in history it doesn’t matter. It’s still true.

There is a very calm space right at the heart of this novel, like the silence in a cathedral.

There is not a lot of wasted prose. Short, intense sentences that convey pages of meaning.

All the light in the novel is filtered through overcast skies. Like how when you read William Gibson it feels like it’s always raining.

If not a masterpiece, certainly masterful.

This book made me want to: get under a blanket, maybe two or three

Overall rating:



Other: Moodiness factor

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