In His Own Words

Casino Royale by Ian Fleming

Casino Royale

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  • Title: Casino Royale
  • Author: Ian Fleming
  • Genre/Subject: Espionage fiction
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 1953
  • Start date: 11/18/2022
  • Finish date: 11/19/2022


My first James Bond novel, and fittingly the first James Bond novel written by Ian Fleming.

This was surprisingly good, and surprisingly thoughtful and introspective. Written in 1953, the effects of the war were still very real and the novel reflects this.

This protagonist is not the superhuman gadget wielding hero of the schlocky movie franchise.

I enjoyed this, and I’m glad I read one of the Bond novels. Will I read others? Probably not. I’ll leave that to fans of the franchise.

This book made me want to: try to avoid secret agents

Overall rating:



Other: Cigarette glorification

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