In His Own Words

Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell


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  • Title: Cranford
  • Author: Elizabeth Gaskell
  • Genre/Subject: English literature
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 1851
  • Start date: 3/13/2021
  • Finish date: 3/17/2021


Charming little portrait of a little English village and circle of ladies, old, widowed or spinsters that live a quiet, polite, genteel existence.

Little adventures, little tragedies, little triumphs all play out around the quiet streets and homely firesides of pastoral Cranford village.

It’s beautifully written, and it could easily be read in one day, but like the life portrayed in its pages, what’s the hurry?

This book made me want to: make preserves

Overall rating:



Other: Charm

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