In His Own Words

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

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  • Title: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
  • Author: Jonathan Gibson
  • Genre/Subject: Christian Advent Daily Liturgy
  • Publisher: Crossway
  • Publication Date: 2023
  • Start date: 12/1/23
  • Finish date: 12/31/23


First off, a beautifully crafted book and slipcase that will make a striking addition to any bookshelf or mantlepiece. Really beautiful paper, lovely printing and excellent design throughout. The author has taken his jesus delusion to new, unrivalled heights, as he uses meditations and songs along with biblical text to completely reinforce his nonsensical beliefs and drill them into long term memory. If you tell yourself the same thing over and over again eventually you will come to believe it to be true, and this beaitifully crafted volume will help you to do just that. I read it every morning, religiously as it were. Highly recommend, five stars, if there were six I’d give them too! Well…not exactly.

This book is a good example of how predatory religion operates. You have to read a selection every day, I imagine most people do this as a family. First off is a meditation, beginning with “Meditate on these words…” Then there is the call to worship, then a song, then a reading of the law, then a scripture passage to read on your own, then another song and so on. If you’ve ever been a churchgoer this is the same format that most services follow so you’ll recognize it and be familiar with it. So if you’re a child you’ll want to emulate your parents as you go through each day, and drill the inane and dangerous superstition into your head every day.

The author, I have a hard time calling him that, let’s call him the selector or the chief copy and paste hand. None of this besides the introduction is his writing. It’s all quotes from theologians or ministers, hymns which are public domain, sections of the mass like Sanctus, Gloria etc, scripture passages, all things that someone else wrote pasted in nicely in a beautifully constructed book.

Simple, effective and very profitable no doubt. I read it every day and I am glad I made it through as a test of my literary discipline. And next December I’ll do it all over again.

This book made me want to: Start a church so I can make some cash.

Overall rating:



Other: Delusional Magnificence

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