In His Own Words

Dave Brubeck: A Life in Time by Philip Clark

Dave Brubeck: A Life in Time

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  • Title: Dave Brubeck: A Life in Time
  • Author: Philip Clark
  • Genre/Subject: Biography
  • Publisher: Da Capo
  • Publication Date: 2020
  • Start date: 5/27/2022
  • Finish date: 6/1/2022


Finally got through this after an abortive fist attempt in 2020 (made it 50 pages).

The prose is purple, just gushing descriptions of each song, each chord, each performance. Musicological language throughout with no purpose except to confuse and lose the non-musicologist reader.

2/3 of the way through he finally gets down to where Brubeck lived, went to school, how he met his wife and so on. And then… back to music-speak and gushing.

I’ve spent years trying to understand Brubeck, and now I’m no closer to that goal.

This book made me want to: smoke a fatty

Overall rating:



Other: Jargon factor

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