In His Own Words

Drowning in Beauty: the Neo-Decadent Anthology

Drowning in Beauty: The Neo-Decadent Anthology

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  • Title: Drowning in Beauty: The Neo-Decadent Anthology
  • Author: Justin Isis and Daniel Corrick, eds.
  • Genre/Subject: Fiction
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 2018
  • Start date: 3/5/2023
  • Finish date: 3/14/2023


Like any great anthology, some good, some bad, some great, most average.

This was, to put it simply, trying too hard to be cool.

The Decadent Movement was a late 19th century literary and artistic phenomenon. Think Dorian Grey and you’ll get it.

The creators disavow that Neo-Decadent is an homage or pastiche to the original. However there is too much azure malachite and ethereal effulgences for that to be true.

It’s like when people try to be punk, or go for a Goth look. The effect is there but the illusion is never quite convincing.

This book made me want to: masturbate to Goth porn

Overall rating:



Other: Smoke and mirrors

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