In His Own Words

Dubliners by James Joyce


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  • Title: Dubliners
  • Author: James Joyce
  • Genre/Subject: Irish literature (Mick fiction. Miction)
  • Publisher: Wordsworth Classics
  • Publication Date:
  • Start date: 6/4/2022
  • Finish date: 6/7/2022


This was fucking magnificent.

Joyce brings to life fin de siècle Dublin like to LIFE. God I felt I was there.

Is it modernist? Not in the same sense as Portrait of the Artist and certainly not as in Ulysses, but it deviates sharply from the rigid narrative structure that we are familiar with in short prose.

The deeply emotional writing makes a lasting impact and I will revisit this little volume again.

This book made me want to: stay sober, eat pie

Overall rating:



Other: Absence of leprechauns

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