In His Own Words

Flight to Arras by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Flight to Arras

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  • Title: Flight to Arras
  • Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • Genre/Subject: WWII MemoirPublisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 1942
  • Start date: 12/23/2020
  • Finish date: 12/25/2020


A superb memoir, highly detailed account of a single wartime flight in the last days of France in 1940 before she fell to Germany.

Gets very philosophical in the last chapter, but it makes sense.

Redefines what we think of as courage, heroism, perseverance, sacrifice.

A short, fast, beautiful read.

This book made me want to: never mock the French army again

Overall rating:



Other: Baguette factor

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