In His Own Words

G. by John Berger

G, A Novel

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  • Title: G, A Novel
  • Author: John Berger
  • Genre/Subject: Fiction (Booker Prize)
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 1972
  • Start date: 1/16/2023
  • Finish date: 1/25/2023


It didn’t take long to figure out why this one won the Booker Prize.

Elusive to define. Partly historical, partly imagined. One reviewer described portions of it as a sexual meditation.

Like Proust, the protagonist is unnamed through most of the novel. And even then he is known simply as “G”. Also like the protagonist in Proust, he is not a very likeable fellow.

Learned a lot about Triese, or Istria as the Italians call it, and the conflicts between all the nations that claim it for themselves.

This book made me want to: find out more about the author

Overall rating:



Other: Istritude

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