- Title: Gargantua and Pantagruel
- Author: François Rabelais
- Genre/Subject: French satire
- Publisher: Franklin Library
- Publication Date: 1564
- Start date: 2/20/2021
- Finish date: 3/4/2021
A gargantuan undertaking of Rabelaisian wit!
First two books out of five were superb.
Next one, not bad.
Last two, worse than the last two seasons of MASH.
It’s bawdy, gross in parts, but it’s also an extraordinary tour de force.
Quotable often, hilarious frequently, and a good insight into the real motivations of the 16th century for learned men and men of the educated classes.
This book made me want to: eat and fuck. A lot of both.
Overall rating:
Other: Ribaldry
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