In His Own Words

Have Tux, Will Travel by Bob Hope

Have Tux, Will Travel

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  • Title: Have Tux, Will Travel
  • Author: Bob Hope & Pete Martin
  • Genre/Subject: Biography
  • Publisher: Simon & Schuster
  • Publication Date: 1954
  • Start date: 5/9/2023
  • Finish date: 5/11/2023


This one, out of all the Bob Hope Bios that I have read, ranks in the top. I can’t say “The Best” because each book has unique merits.

This is an autobiography, written in mid-1950s (1954 I believe) when Hope was still at the top of his game. Top billing, top dollars, top of the business.

I really learned a lot about the cutthroat world of vaudeville and following that the equally harsh world of 1930s Hollywood.

Hope had his faults like anybody else, but some of the lengths he went to in order to perform for the troops in WW2 were incredible and deserving of much respect.

This book made me want to: never get jungle rot

Overall rating:



Other: Soft-shoe factor

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