In His Own Words

I Owe Russia $1200 by Bob Hope

I Owe Russia $1200

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  • Title: I Owe Russia $1200
  • Author: Bob Hope
  • Genre/Subject: Cold War history
  • Publisher: Pocket Books
  • Publication Date: 1963
  • Start date: 7/26/2021
  • Finish date: 7/28/2021


Not one of the best in the Hopian oeuvre.

I am a pretentions fop. Hopian oeuvre. An opus.

Basically less than 40 pages about the Russia trip and all written with a lame gag from his writers every third line.

The rest of the book rehashes the post-war Hope Christmas tours, nice enough but clogged with weather gags and jabs at Jack Benny.

This book made me want to: hurry up and finish so I can read something good

Overall rating:



Other: Bob Hope Bonhomie

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