In His Own Words

If On A Winter’s Night A Traveler

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  • Title: If On A Winter’s Night A Traveler
  • Author: Italo Calvino
  • Genre/Subject: Italian literature (Wop fiction)
  • Publisher: Kindle/Harcourt
  • Publication Date: 1981
  • Start date: 5/10/2022
  • Finish date: 5/16/2022


Without doubt one of the most peculiar and yet most enjoyable books I have ever encountered.

To describe it is difficult. A man starts to read a new novel and finds it cuts off after the first chapter. So he goes back to the shop to complain and meets a woman who had the same thing happen with a different book. And they hook up to discover what is going on, to solve the mystery. Only it just opens more blind alleys and misdirections.

This is a piece of literary brilliance that in lesser hands would not have worked well, or at all.

I award this little novel the coveted Neilosian 5 stars.

This book made me want to: encourage all women to seriously consider getting into the routine of pubic hair removal, particularly European women

Overall rating:



Other: Overabundant pubic hair

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