In His Own Words

In a Free State by V.S. Naipaul

In a Free State

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  • Title: In a Free State
  • Author: V.S. Naipaul
  • Genre/Subject: British literature
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date:
  • Start date: 12/27/2022
  • Finish date: 12/28/2022


The fourth Booker Prize winning novel I have read since beginning my quest of reading all 50 plus winners.

Like all the others I have read there is no questioning the brilliance and reasons for winning. But like a lot of the others this one was pretty dark and very serious. Ferris Bueller gets the laughs but Schindler’s List gets the awards.

In the volume I obtained there were actually 3 separate works, 2 shorter novellas and the main novel. All were superlative.

Essentially a car journey across an African country on the brink of revolution. A gay man and his friend’s disloyal wife are the driver and passenger. Naipaul spins an incredibly rich narrative using just this journey as the vehicle.

This book made me want to: stay out of Africa

Overall rating:



Other: African scenery

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