In His Own Words

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

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  • Title: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
  • Author: James Kahn and George Lucas
  • Genre/Subject: Movie tie-in
  • Publisher: Ballantine
  • Publication Date: 1984
  • Start date: 4/10/2023
  • Finish date: 4/11/2023


Yeesh, what a clunker.

Like the Zeller’s burger, it tastes way better in your nostalgic imagination.

This was great as a movie.

As a book (adapted from the Dazzling New Film!), it creaked and galumphed along, borne gaily along on a tide of racism and archaic notions of cultural identity.

Even as bad as this was, it’s still better than the Crystal Skull abomination movie.

2 stars. 2? Yeah, Short Round is awesome.

This book made me want to: finish it and move on

Overall rating:



Other: Casual racism

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