In His Own Words

Islands in the Stream by Ernest Hemingway

Islands in the stream

  • Title: Islands in the stream
  • Author: Ernest Hemingway
  • Genre/Subject: Fiction of distinction
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 1970
  • Start date: 7/28/2023
  • Finish date: 7/31/2023


I bailed on this. Got through about 30% and just had to move on.

I wanted to like this. I wanted it to live up to A Farewell to Arms or the short stories. But no.

Drinks, bars, descriptions of making drinks, descriptions of bars, descriptions of drinking drinks in bars. I would have love this when I was a drunk, but now I’m sober I can see right through the fog and there’s really nothing there.

200 pages until a female character finally appears so, essentially a sausage-party with a potted plant who shows up at the end.

Hemingway was a closeted faggot.

This book made me want to: stop reading it

Overall rating:



Other: Gay-ass macho bullshit

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