In His Own Words

Johnny Carson by Henry Bushkin

Johnny Carson

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  • Title: Johnny Carson
  • Author: Henry Bushkin
  • Genre/Subject: Biography
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 2013
  • Start date: 10/7/2021
  • Finish date: 10/14/2021


A fast and penetrating look inside the world of the King of Late Night.

I had no idea that Carson was that wealthy.

Like most celebrities I have read about, the man behind the makeup is nothing like the face you see on the screen.

Like his predecessor Bob Hope, Carson spent his life promoting and creating Johnny Carson. But he never took time to simply be Johnny Carson.

Money, fame, respect from the industry and the whole world, but none of it made him happy.

A cautionary tale as well as a well written and thoroughly engrossing read.

This book made me want to: take a yacht tour of the Italian Riviera

Overall rating:



Other: Heeeere’s… factor

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