In His Own Words

Klee Wyck by Emily Carr

Klee Wyck

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  • Title: Klee Wyck
  • Author: Emily Carr
  • Genre/Subject: Canadian autobiography
  • Publisher: Irwin
  • Publication Date: 1941
  • Start date: 2/14/2022
  • Finish date: 2/15/2022


Vivid, spare, imaginative prose.

Says in one phrase what some would take three lines to say. Proust would take 10 pages.

I had a pretty low opinion of natives before, but I like them even less after reading this. The myth of the noble savage is just that, a myth. Savages need to be civilized, that’s how the world moves forward.

A short, fast, densely packed series of anecdotes from a part of Canada that still remains largely untouched and mysterious.

This book made me want to: sketch a totem pole

Overall rating:



Other: Best use of the word halfbreed

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