In His Own Words

Kokoro by Natsume Soseki


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  • Title: Kokoro
  • Author: Natsume Soseki
  • Genre/Subject: Japanese literature
  • Publisher: Dover
  • Publication Date: 1957
  • Start date: 7/12/2023
  • Finish date: 7/14/2023


Very insightful and rich in understanding.

A unique (for me) glimpse into Meiji era Japan and Japanese culture.

Like all Japanese novels this was moving, intellectually satisfying, and depressing as fuck.

The prose was interesting, can’t describe it any better. But then again, this might be due to the English translation.

Every time I picked up the book, that stoopid Beach Boys song started playing in my head. Every time without exception.

Martinique, that Mont Serrat mystique…

This book made me want to: murder some takeaway sushi

Overall rating:



Other: Insight factor

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