In His Own Words

Neil Croll logo

Life of Johnson

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Neil Croll logo
  • Title: Life of Johnson
  • Author: James Boswell
  • Genre/Subject: Biography
  • Publisher: Oxford’s World’s Classics
  • Number of pages: 1402
  • Publication Date: 1791
  • Finish date: 11/12/2019


1402 pages of sycophantic twaddle. Johnson was an asshole. It is however an important document on 18th century life, views, prejudices, and attitudes. Also, the most undisputed deep dive into biography ever. Let’s call it a rite of passage, the three plate deadlift of literature.

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Ratings (1-10, 10 being exceptional):

  • Quality of writing – 5
  • Pace – 1
  • Plot development – n/a
  • Characters – 5
  • Enjoyability – 2
  • Insightfulness – 7
  • Ease of reading – 4
  • Photos/illustrations – n/a

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