In His Own Words

My Mortal Enemy by Willa Cather

My Mortal Enemy

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  • Title: My Mortal Enemy
  • Author: Willa Cather
  • Genre/Subject: American literature
  • Publisher: Vintage
  • Publication Date: 1925
  • Start date: 9/22/2022
  • Finish date: 9/25/2022


Another excellent novel from Willa Cather!

The ending kind of left me hanging. Like, no real resolution, none of the ends tied up.

All Jews in Cather novels are bad guys. She has a lot in common with all 1900 and on novelists. See Edith Wharton for the correct usage of Hebe in a sentence.

As with all Willa Cather writing the nature and landscape descriptions are deeply illustrative and enormously satisfying.

This book made me want to: visit a mesa

Overall rating:



Other: Sweeping vistas

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