In His Own Words

Parade's End: No More Parades by Ford Madox Ford

No More Parades

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  • Title: No More Parades (Parade’s End, Book II)
  • Author: Ford Madox Ford
  • Genre/Subject: English literature
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 1925
  • Start date: 4/17/2023
  • Finish date: 4/19/2023


The second book in what they call the tetralogy of Parade’s End.

Here we find the admirable protagonist Tietjens as an officer at a starting off camp in the Great War.

It’s not an easy book to read or to understand. It’s literature for certain and woth the effort to read it. But I feel like I need a professor of English nearby to explain the difficult bits to me.

There’s themes and sub-themes jostling for position and through it all, the admirable Tietjens just soldiers along with his stained tunic and his creased tie askew.

This book made me want to: avoid mud and dead people

Overall rating:



Other: Literary goodness

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