In His Own Words

Parade's End Book 1: Some Do Not by Ford Madox Ford

Parade’s End Book 1: Some Do Not

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  • Title: Parade’s End Book 1: Some Do Not
  • Author: Ford Madox Ford
  • Genre/Subject: English Literature
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 20th century
  • Start date: 9/17/2021
  • Finish date: 9/23/2021


This was excellent. True literature in every sense.

That being said, it was difficult to follow in parts, long parts often and the language was erudite but often convoluted.

From a 21st century perspective the way that men and women viewed sexuality seems so dated and stilted. Interesting to see how the pre-war generation led to the licentiousness of the 1920s.

This was book 1 of the tetralogy, so I have a lot to look forward to. Like how one may say that they are reading the Lord of the Rings but really meaning they are reading one of the books in the trilogy.

Taking a star off for pomposity and confused prose. Otherwise excellent.

This book made me want to: call someone a bounder

Overall rating:



Other: Deuced cleverness

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