- Title: Philosophy for Beginnners
- Author: Various
- Genre/Subject: Philosophy
- Publisher: Usborne Books
- Publication Date: 2020
- Start date: 8/28/2023
- Finish date: 8/30/2023
Everything I ever learned I learned in elementary school right? Spot on. This is a book geared towards younger readers that taught me more in two days than I have gleaned from 51 years of reading adult tomes on this weighty subject.
The idea to read this came from a cartoon that a friend sent me featuring the famous thought experiment of the Ship of Theseus. It got me curious and then I spotted this little volume and gave it a go. Good thing I did. This book tackles the big questions like how do we know what we know? Is it possible to be good and fair to all people? Who decides what is good anyway? Do other people see and experience things the same way that I do?
This book didn’t supply easy answers to the big questions but it did supply possible answers that wise people since Classical Greece have been coming up with.
The illustrations and cartoons were fun, funny, and extraordinarily helpful. The text was informed, well thought out and presented clearly and as simply as possible without dumbing it down.
If you have a curious and inquiring mind like I do then this little volume may be exactly what you’re looking for.
This book made me want to: adjust my toga
Overall rating:
Other: Great illustrations
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