In His Own Words

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

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  • Title: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
  • Author: James Joyce
  • Genre/Subject: Irish literature
  • Publisher: Wordsworth Classics
  • Publication Date: 1916
  • Start date: 1/16/2021
  • Finish date: 1/19/2021


Brilliant in every sense. This book sparkled from cover to cover.

If I had read this first I would have been a little less confused when reading Ulysses. Which I will read again at some point.

Ireland, politics, religion, alcohol, and the glorious countryside.

Youth, education, and the ways of young men.

A boy ensnared by the evil of religion, growing into a man casting off the shadow of it. Or as Joyce puts it, removing the moldering cerements of the grave.

This book made me want to: choke the shit out of a priest

Overall rating:



Other: Absence of leprechauns

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