In His Own Words

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Raid on St. Nazaire

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  • Title: Raid on St. Nazaire
  • Author: David Mason
  • Genre/Subject: Military history
  • Publisher: Ballantine’s Battle Books #14
  • Number of pages: 157
  • Publication Date: 1970
  • Finish date: 2/17/2020


A very well written account of a daring raid in WWII.

The first raid. A lot like the first bodybuilders, these first commandos had to make everything from scratch, including their units and themselves. It was a big eyeopener in that this was a real story, with real men, really dying. Not a movie, not Hogan’s Heroes.

Sobering. Compelling. Bit dry by nature of the work but good stuff.

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Ratings (1-10, 10 being exceptional):

  • Quality of writing – 7
  • Pace – 7
  • Plot development – n/a
  • Characters – 7
  • Enjoyability – 7
  • Insightfulness – 7
  • Ease of reading – 7
  • Photos/illustrations – 9

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