In His Own Words

Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier


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  • Title: Rebecca
  • Author: Daphne Du Maurier
  • Genre/Subject: Thriller
  • Publisher: Virago
  • Publication Date: 1938
  • Start date: 2/18/2023
  • Finish date: 2/24/2023


I was enchanted for the first 30 pages but then it just went on and on.

An influential novel, an important novel. A tiresome novel.

Rebecca, or, Proust-writes-a-thriller. There was no need for this to be 428 pages. Even if you just cut out every description of scones you could trim a hundred pages.

The first line can’t be beat, and I’m glad I read this finally. But I’m glad to be finished.

This book made me want to: bail and read another book

Overall rating:



Other: Sconedalous writing

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