In His Own Words

Red Planet Blues by Robert J. Sawyer

Red Planet Blues

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  • Title: Red Planet Blues
  • Author: Robert J. Sawyer
  • Genre/Subject: SF (that’s SciFi if you’re cool like me)
  • Publisher: Penguin
  • Publication Date: 2013
  • Start date: 9/29/2022
  • Finish date: 10/5/2022


Page 326. This book should have ended right there. Instead of bashing ahead for another 99 pages.

The premise was forced, but due to the brilliance of the author he made it work.

Humorous, fast-paced, edgy, this was an excellent novel. Just needed an editor is all I am saying.

One of the things I loved was that (like Dune) it used metric throughout. Because unless King Trump gets in again for a lifelong term the old measures will hopefully fall by the wayside of a spacefaring species, like humans.

Best line was a piece of graffiti carved into the table at the bar:

“Back in ten minutes” – Godot

This book made me want to: hire my ass out as a ruthless editor

Overall rating:



Other: Lack of editing

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