In His Own Words

Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonngegut

Slaughterhouse Five

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  • Title: Slaughterhouse Five
  • Author: Kurt Vonngegut
  • Genre/Subject: American literature
  • Publisher: Some dude, don’t care
  • Publication Date: 1969
  • Start date: 10/15/2021
  • Finish date: 10/18/2021


A brilliantly executed and skillfully written book.

An anti-war manifesto if ever there was one.

Funny, sad, disturbing, and throughout the book is a consistent moral statement.

Most of the time we look at war as an historical event but forget the deeply disturbing personal stories that make it up.

I award this book the rare and coveted 5 stars.

This book made me want to: investigate Kilgore Trout

Overall rating:



Other: Trout factor

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