In His Own Words

So, Anyway by John Cleese

So, Anyway

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  • Title: So, Anyway
  • Author: John Cleese
  • Genre/Subject: Biography
  • Publisher: Anchor Canada
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • Start date: 1/17/2022
  • Finish date: 1/21/2022


A brilliant and thorough autobiography.

Kept my interest right from the beginning and never lost it.

Like most talented and funny people, the on-stage character is very much removed from the real-life human that plays that character.

Funny in parts that needed to be, and serious in those parts that needed to be.

Just the right length to be concise, readable and informative without becoming Life of Johnson*.

* Boswell does get a shout-out in the book.

Very good explanations of the genesis of many of the characters and sketches: dead parrots, Basil Fawlty, etc.

This book made me want to: go to Oxford. Read classics.

Overall rating:



Other: Lack of any cheese at all

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