In His Own Words

Something to Answer For by P.H. Newby

Something to Answer For

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  • Title: Something to Answer For
  • Author: P.H. Newby
  • Genre/Subject: Fiction (Booker Prize Winner 1969)
  • Publisher: Faber & Faber
  • Publication Date: 1969
  • Start date: 10/20/2022
  • Finish date: 10/26/2022


This was the first ever (inaugural is the word) Man Booker Prize winner, way back in 1969. My goal beginning with this one is to read all 50 Booker Prize winners from 1969-2019 in the next year.

I don’t get this book. It was well written, very crisp prose and some really elegant phrasing. But fuck was it weird.

Was it a dream? Is the protagonist who he thinks he is? Who died, who didn’t die, who is alive but pretending to be dead?

What did George Costanza say about art? “I don’t get art. It always has to be explained to me and then I have to have someone explain the explanation.”

What he said ↑↑↑.

This book made me want to: finish it

Overall rating:



Other: Weirditude

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