In His Own Words

Tag: 5 stars

  • History Year by Year

    History Year by Year

    Review: This was excellent. A long tour through the whole of human history, from Australopithecus to the smart phone. Fully illustrated throughout with photos and diagrams on every beautiful page. The timeline runs through the entire volume but every few pages there is a deep dive on a particular area of interest, like life in… Read more

  • How to Spot a Fascist

    How to Spot a Fascist

    Review: This was less of a book, more of a booklet. It contained three essays or speeches from Umberto Eco regarding the elusive fascism. Elusive as in we hear it used every day, but it’s difficult for most of us to define. In the first essay he outlines 14 points of commonality with all fascist… Read more

  • Rewired: The Post-Cyberpunk Anthology

    Rewired: The Post-Cyberpunk Anthology

    Review: Superb. An extraordinary collection of SF stories. At first, I didn’t see how they were post CP and not just straight CP. But after awhile, I saw how they differed, some by a lot, others just a subtle distinction. Gibson and Sterling’s stories were two of their finest, and that’s saying something. The final… Read more

  • Lucy Gayheart

    Lucy Gayheart

    Review: One of the best Willa Cather novels I have read. I wasn’t sure how good it would be, seeing as it was one of her last works, from 1935. Meaning that very often an author’s latter output is not as good as the books from their peak period. See Sherlock Holmes Later Adventures to… Read more

  • The Song of Achilles

    The Song of Achilles

    Review: 5 stars! This was an extraordinary piece of writing. A retelling of the Illiad done vividly and clearly. A masterpiece based on a materpiece. Plenty-o-gayness. This book made me want to: punch Odysseus in the snotbox Overall rating: Readability: Plot: Other: Gayness Read more

  • A Recipe For Bees

    A Recipe For Bees

    Review: A very moving, very well constructed novel. I love reading Canadian literature because it speaks to my own experiences in this country. I love reading about the protagonist’s adventures in a town that I have been to. I learned a lot about the art and science of beekeeping. No way I’m ever doing that.… Read more

  • Steppenwolf


    Review: First of all, this book was exquisite. Secondly, I am stoned right off my tits so I will continue this review tomorrow morning. … A tour de force. Art, metaphysics, music, Bohemia. All are present in this remarkable novel. This book made me want to: read more Hermann Hesse Overall rating: Readability: Plot: Other:… Read more

  • A Dirty Job

    A Dirty Job

    Review: 5 stars! Wanted to get that in there first, so there could be no confusion. From the first page this was excellent. Funny, really funny. Like laughing about it when you’re not reading it and people stare at you. Despite the humor there is a lot of genuine human emotion which can be very… Read more

  • Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers

    Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers

    Review: Brilliant. Amazing. Enlightening. A humorous at times, serious at times, and scientific at times look at a never discussed subject: what happens to cadavers. From helping surgeons learn more and better techniques to helping develop safer cars, the extraordinary “lives” that cadavers lead help the living immeasurably. Religion poisons everything. Some of the best… Read more

  • Treasury of Greek Mythology

    Treasury of Greek Mythology

    Review: Lavish and beautiful, and that’s just the illustrations. This book was meant to delight its readers and that is exactly what it did. Written for everyone but with the younger reader in mind, which means it is uncluttered and easy to absorb. [Prophetic! – ed.] Man I hate writing things out by hand. I’m… Read more