In His Own Words

Tag: Biography

  • The Road Well Traveled

    The Road Well Traveled

    Review: Now that was a proper biography! Factual, incisive, not sparing the negative aspects of an extraordinary life, but not dwelling or even really digging into the lurid details. Bob Hope continues to fascinate me, and I knew from before I started my reading and collecting that there is always a skull beneath the skin,… Read more

  • Confessions of an English Opium Eater

    Confessions of an English Opium Eater

    Review: Well worth reading, a unique glimpse into 19th century life and drug use. Starts out well, gets rapidly pretentious, and then rambles on quite oddly for the last bit. Reminded me of ESVM and her copious amounts of drugs consumed. The story is told with personal conviction, but never descends into vulgarity, and is… Read more

  • Hope: Entertainer of the Century

    Hope: Entertainer of the Century

    Review: A great read. An excellent journalist researched and wrote an excellent biography. You see the skull beneath the skin. The brand that Bob Hope developed became the man himself. It was a wild ride in a century-long career. A fascinating glimpse into early vaudeville all the way through to the modern age of Hollywood… Read more

  • Savage Beauty

    Savage Beauty

    Review: It took the author 30 years to write this. It’s less biography and more muckraking and airing of dirty laundry. It’s disappointing. All the bad, dirty details from personal letters inserted for no good reason. Like, I get you want to show the grit, the bad with the good, like Boswell avowedly did. But… Read more

  • Life of Johnson

    Life of Johnson

    Review: 1402 pages of sycophantic twaddle. Johnson was an asshole. It is however an important document on 18th century life, views, prejudices, and attitudes. Also, the most undisputed deep dive into biography ever. Let’s call it a rite of passage, the three plate deadlift of literature. Overall rating: How I discovered or acquired this book:… Read more