In His Own Words

Tag: Bob Hope

  • Have Tux, Will Travel

    Have Tux, Will Travel

    Review: This one, out of all the Bob Hope Bios that I have read, ranks in the top. I can’t say “The Best” because each book has unique merits. This is an autobiography, written in mid-1950s (1954 I believe) when Hope was still at the top of his game. Top billing, top dollars, top of… Read more

  • I Owe Russia $1200

    I Owe Russia $1200

    Review: Not one of the best in the Hopian oeuvre. I am a pretentions fop. Hopian oeuvre. An opus. Basically less than 40 pages about the Russia trip and all written with a lame gag from his writers every third line. The rest of the book rehashes the post-war Hope Christmas tours, nice enough but… Read more

  • The Last Christmas Show

    The Last Christmas Show

    Review: This was a difficult one for me to read at an emotional level. It was a page turner for sure, couldn’t put it down sometimes, but the one liners and sexy girls could never quite cover the tragic loss of so many lives, both military and civilian. The flag waving and anti-Commie one liners… Read more

  • The Road Well Traveled

    The Road Well Traveled

    Review: Now that was a proper biography! Factual, incisive, not sparing the negative aspects of an extraordinary life, but not dwelling or even really digging into the lurid details. Bob Hope continues to fascinate me, and I knew from before I started my reading and collecting that there is always a skull beneath the skin,… Read more

  • Hope: Entertainer of the Century

    Hope: Entertainer of the Century

    Review: A great read. An excellent journalist researched and wrote an excellent biography. You see the skull beneath the skin. The brand that Bob Hope developed became the man himself. It was a wild ride in a century-long career. A fascinating glimpse into early vaudeville all the way through to the modern age of Hollywood… Read more